
keyword :
Consumer goods
Qinghu’s TPEs are well received by manufacturers of consumer goods because of their higher quality and better pocessability, which make them a preferred material for consumer goods area. Our thermoplastic elastomers are easily colour matching and have excellent flow properties. For the application of consumer goods market, our TPEs also offer excellent UV and aging resistant performance. thus, our TPEs compounds are therefore also widely used in outdoor products and outdoor seals.
* Soft
* Wide range of hardness
* Environmental protection,meet international Rohs & Reach requirements.
* Good tear resistance
* Excellent weather resistance,from -60℃ to 120℃.
Typical applications:
* Tooth brush
* Shaver
* Toys
* Kitchenware
 Legal statement   Privacy protection Contact us Companyright: 2012 Ningbo Qinghu Elastomer Science Technology Co., Ltd.   浙ICP備07005047號 
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